Looking at published evidence of effective interventions that prevent or postpone the development of disability relating to long-term conditions.

Looking at published evidence of effective interventions that prevent or postpone the development of disability relating to long-term conditions.
Around 10 million unpaid carers in the UK provide support for friends and family. We know very little about who receives homecare and what support they need. This research explored this further.
Working to suggest content for a minimum dataset for homecare that is usable, feasible and acceptable to relevant stakeholder groups.
Advancing understanding of how health and care services have been digitalised during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Working to understand current preferences for different aspects and models of social care, and how those preferences might change in the future.
An informal review of current public health data.
Exploring the relationship between individual unmet needs and healthy ageing.
A rapid review of evidence about interventions for cold homes occupied by older people.
Summarising the economic evaluation evidence for effective interventions to reduce hospital attendances and admissions from care homes.
Frailty is a priority for the NHS long-term plan but our knowledge of the characteristics and needs of the frail older population is incomplete.
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