Investigating whether older adults of South Asian, Black African and Caribbean backgrounds felt affected by the digitalisation of primary care services since the Covid-19 pandemic

Investigating whether older adults of South Asian, Black African and Caribbean backgrounds felt affected by the digitalisation of primary care services since the Covid-19 pandemic
Investigating the relationship between receiving care, or receiving insufficient care among older people with different frailty status and the risk of unplanned admission to hospital
Investigating if a measure of material disadvantage could be constructed from UK primary care electronic health records
Summarising the economic evidence surrounding effective interventions to reduce hospital attendances and admissions for people living in long-term care facilities.
Identifying interventions designed to improve heating and temperatures within homes.
Calculating and comparing sex-specific healthy life years, unhealthy life years (ULY), and mild and severe ULY at birth and age 65.
Describing the characteristics of older people who provide unpaid care and how these vary by socioeconomic position.
Mapping evidence about interventions to support carers and the outcomes evaluated, and identify key gaps in current evidence.
Assessing the breadth of evidence on older carers/carers of older people in UK cohort studies.
Understanding preferences for different aspects of models of social care for older people, and exploring how those preferences might change in the future if their care needs increase.
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